Saturday, November 17, 2012


I can almost smell the wonderful aroma of a turkey in the oven; hearing the laughter of little kids, the sound of the front door opening to the big kids coming home, and the hug from Grandpa that makes the world right again.

Thanksgiving is family, friends, football, turkey, smoke alarms, the guys standing outside watching the deep fryer, the pies-oh the pies, and last but not least the best turkey sandwiches ever.

Our families tried a few years ago to take turns going around the table to express what we are thankful for which had most of us trying to use our dinner napkins as tissues.  I want to try that again and I don't care if we all cry. They are all groaning now.

Let's take just a little time out of our overly committed days to be more thankful for our health, cherish our loved ones, celebrate new friends, and look to....     Oh no! How many days before Christmas???

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, friends, food and football.

Enjoy the new wallpapers and BatteryEx Icons to keep your BlackBerry looking perfect.

Thanksgiving Word Art with 'Sweater Weather' BerryWeather
 'Fall Leaves'   BatteryEx

Thanksgiving Word Art

Happy Thanksgiving with 'Sweater Weather' BerryWeather

Happy Thanksgiving

BabyBerrygirl Thanksgiving with 'Archimedes Sunshine' BerryWeather

BabyBerrygirl Thanksgiving

Cornucopia  click below to download

 Fall Leaves  click below to download

Gobble Gobble  click below to download


1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Elizabeth2 :) Thanks for all these fabulous goodies !!
